Small Velvet Flower of Life Grid
This lovely Flower of Life grid is made from a Polyester Velvet fabric. This fabric is medium weight and soft.
The photo does not capture how lovely this grid is. The design is done in a matte silver color. The background is a deep black velvet (not the charcoal tint the photo shows).
This grid is a compact size; measuring 8” x 12". The Flower of Life design measures 7 1/4" in diameter.
This would make a good travel grid.
Full Description
The Flower of Life is the result of the nurturing and growth of the Seed of Life. Once something is birthed, careful and thoughtful (intentional) tending and care will ensure exponential growth. Being a combination of many Seed of Life designs, it represents the truth that we are all "of" the same source or created from the same template. It also speaks of the connectedness and unity of everything and of us to the Divine. A powerful symbol for manifestation and success (provided you are committed to "doing the work"), and for positive things to happen. This is a wonderful symbol to work with for virtually anything.
Note: Fabric grids are often made and painted by hand and the design is affected by the type and quality of the fabric. Therefore, the designs may have missing spaces, uneven sections, or splotches. This is part of the natural charm of the piece and does not affect its purpose or beauty.